Apply Now I'm legally authorized to work in the United States
Are you 18 years or older?
Our age of hire is 18 and older Have you worked here before?
Please list any Certifications or Special Training
Please list at least 3 references - Name & Phone number
Are you currently employed?
If applicable... May we contact your current employer?
If no, Please Explain:
Please list employment info
Reason for leaving
Reason for leaving
Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. There are no RIGHT or WRONG answers.
What other experiences or activities have you been involved with that would be beneficial in this job, such as community, school, church, etc.?
Why would you like to work at Carousel Family Fun Center and why should we consider you for this job?
What type of music to you like to listen to
What is your roller skating ability?
List hobbies or interests?
Carousel Family Fun Center does special promotions based on new fads or trends among Elementary, Middle School and High School age kids. Name a fad or trend that is currently popular with this age group.
What new marketing idea would you have for Carousel Family Fun Center to use in gaining new business
Thank you! We’ll be in touch.